On Jan 14, 5:25 am, codicedave <davide.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I installed a external program called infomap using the classical
> procedure
> ./configure
> make
> sudo make install
>  and it works perfectly in Terminal (Os x) using both bash and tcsh
> shell
> admins-macbook-pro-2:~ unil$ infomap-build
> Usage: infomap-build [-w working_dir] [-p param_file]
>        [-D var_1=val_1 ... -D var_N=val_N]
>        (-s single_corpus_file | -m multi_file_list)
>        <model_tag>
>  but when I call it from python using os.system or subprocess.call I
> get the message "sh: infomap-build: command not found".
> Do you know why?
> Many thanks
> Davide

Type "which infomap-build" from the command line to find out where
infomap-build is.

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