> How about this then:
> def get_prior_versions (item_id, priors=None):
>    """Return a list of all prior item ids starting with this one"""
>    global history_db # key = item id, value = prior item id
>    prior_id = history_db[item_id]
>    if not prior_id:
>        if priors:
>        return priors or []
>    else:
>        if priors:
>            priors.append(prior_id)
>        else:
>            priors = [prior_id]
>        return get_prior_versions(prior_id, priors)

Without the "if priors:" line just above the first return statement (a
typo perhaps?), then yes, it would do what I want.

> a) a global should and need not be used.

Passing the entire dictionary to every function that accesses it is

> b) this function could be rewritten without recursion.

Right, any recursive function can be written iteratively and vice-
versa. I'm not sure that makes it "bad".

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