praba kar said unto the world upon 2005-04-11 00:50:
Dear All,

I am new to Python. I am in need of
some sorting functions (eg) numerical sorting
functions and alphapetical sorting functions. I have searched through net But I cannot
find any regarding this so If anyone know
regarding this. Kindly mail me as early as possible

with regards

Hi PRabahr,

>>> some_references = [
  "<> (look for 'cmp')",
  "<> (read fn 8)",
  "<> ]
>>> some_references.sort()
>>> for r in some_references:
        print r

<> (look for 'cmp')
<> (read fn 8)>>>

If you want to implement a specific sorting routine, the two dominant ways are to either use the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom or define a custom cmp function. Both are discussed in the links above.

Best wishes,

Brian vdB

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