Thanks for all the responses but I forgot to mention that I have very little hardware understanding (at least in english) and the device itself it very simple and only needs about 5V power to be active. The problem here is that I want to control when the device is active using a computer so I thought USB might be a good choice since its simple (but didn't turn out to be). I'm open to any other suggestions on how I might achieve this hardware and software-wise (as in what interface should I use, etc). Also I'm trying to stay away from (complex) micro controllers.
Any ideas?
Thanks again
How about a different interface? From what I have read the parallel port is a bit easier to program. I think you can control the data lines of the parallel port though. There is also a python wrapper for it on the pyserial web site (pyparallel maybe?)

If you don't have a built-in parallel port then there are those USB to serial/parallel converters.

Brian A. Vanderburg II

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