Gabriel wrote:
Yep, i realize this a minute after posting, sorry.

And thank you again .)

Steve Holden wrote:
I'll offer a couple of pointers about what we all expect here.
Please treat this as advice, not a shout of disapproval.

(1) Do not top post (put your response above the previous interaction).
(2) When quoting previous interactions, cut until the portion you are
    quoting provides enough context to make your post's context
    comprehensible, but only that much context.
(3) When you figure out you problem, especially on your own, summarize
    back in a final message what went wrong and how you fixed it.

The reasons for these three rules are:
(1) The message can be read in order, rather than reading up and down.
(2) People _do_ have access to the previous messages (albeit sometimes
    only with some effort).  The message should be comprehensible on its
    own, but your reader can go back for more detail if it turns out to
    be vital.  You don't want to grow your message to the point where
    someone who might help you says, "I don't have time to read that."
(3) Generally it is a good idea to search for answers before asking.
    It can be incredibly frustrating to discover someone else had
    previously seen exactly the same problem you are bashing your
    head into the wall about, follow the chain, and finally read,
    "Never mind, I figured it out." without a clue to what was

If you read comp.lang.python for a while, you'll see this is the
norm for messages here, and these behaviors help make this a more
pleasant place to read and write.

--Scott David Daniels

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