Cliff MacGillivray wrote:

> Xah Lee wrote:
>> For those of you using emacs, here's the elisp code that allows you
>> to syntax color computer language source code in your blog or
>> website.
>> http:/........
>> to comment, here:
>> http://.......
> Xah,
> Very nice!
> If nothing else you seem to be a pretty clever programmer.
> Indeed, you seem to understand more theoretical aspects than
> most simple minded software developers.
> I am not sure why you live out of your car?
> Has that situation changed at all? Are you working right now?

Please don't encourage this guy.  He posts to groups purely to try and
tell everyone how smart he thinks he is (regardless of how wrong he
usually is), and argues and uses vulgar language to anyone that asks
him to stop posting in non relevent news groups.  He seems to have
selected the Python and Perl groups to regularly post to, even when his
posts rarely to never have any relation to said groups.  Please, do not
encourage his behavior.  Thanks.
Tim Greer, CEO/Founder/CTO,, Inc.
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