me wrote:
I'm new to regexs and trying to get a list of all my C++ methods with balanced parenthesis as follows.

#find all c++ method prototypes with a '::' in the middle #upto and including the 1st closing parenthesis pattern_upto_1st_closed_parenth = re.compile('\w+::\w+\([^)]*\)') match_upto_1st_closed_parenth = re.findall(pattern_upto_1st_closed_parenth,txt)
num_of_protos = len(match_upto_1st_closed_parenth)

for i in range (0,num_of_protos-1):
This should actually be range(0, num_of_protos).

   num_of_open_parenths = match_upto_1st_closed_parenth[i].count('(')
#expand the pattern to get all of the prototype #ie upto the last closed parenthesis
   #saying something like
   pattern = re.compile(\
'match_upto_1st_closed_parenth[i]+\ (([^)]*\)){num_of_open_parenths-1}'\
   #HELP!!!!!! I'm not sure how to incorporate:
   #1 'match_upto_1st_closed_parenth[i]' into the above extended pattern???
   #2 the count 'num_of_open_parenths' instead of a literal ???

#if I could do it this sort of this would appear to offer the neatest solution
pattern_upto_last_balanced_parenthesis  = re.compile('

Should I be using regexs to do this?

I've only put \ line extensions to separate the pattern components to assist readability


Not necessarily the best way, but:

methods = []
# The pattern for the start of the method's header.
start_pattern = re.compile(r'\w+::\w+\([^)]*\)')
# Start at the beginning of the text.
pos = 0
while True:
    # Search for the start of the next method's header.
    start_match =, pos)
    if not start_match:
    # Search for the end of the method's header.
end_pattern = re.compile(r'(?:[^)]*\)){%d}' %'('))
    end_match =, pos)
    methods.append(txt[start_match.start() : end_match.end()])
    # Continue the next search from where we left off.
    pos = end_match.end()

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