On Jan 27, 4:52 pm, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> > I need to make a small, relatively low-traffic site that users can
> > create accounts on and log into. Scripts must run as cgi (no
> > mod_python or FastCGI is available). Can anyone recommend a small and
> > simple web framework for Python, maybe similar to Perl's
> > CGI::Application?
> > Or would it just be better to roll my own?
> What are you looking for in your framework?  Python comes with
> its own CGI module[1].  For the most basic of sites, this works
> nicely.
> However, if you want to be able to easily slide into a bigger
> environment, I've been pleased with WebStack[2] for my
> lightweight needs.  [snip]

Thanks, Tim. I don't think WebStack is what I'm looking for, but will
investigate doing things by hand with the cgi module and using
Python's own built-in simple templating.

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