Ron Garret a écrit :
I'm running a WSGI app under apache/mod_wsgi and I've noticed that whenever I restart the server after making a code change it takes a very long time (like a minute) before the script is active again. In other words, I do an apachectl restart, reload the page in my browser, and one minute later it finally comes up. During this time CPU usage is essentially zero. Loading all the code manually into a python interpreter is virtually instantaneous, and all subsequence interactions with the app are very fast.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on or how to debug this?

Restarting apache (with or without mod_wsgi) can by itself take some time.

Now, if you're running mod_wsgi in daemon mode, you _don't_ have to restart apache to reload your code - just touch the wsgi script file and you'll be done, ie with:

  WSGIProcessGroup myproject.tld
  WSGIDaemonProcess myproject.tld user=you group=you
  WSGIReloadMechanism Process
  WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/myproject/apache/

you just have to touch to force reload the subinterpreter(s).

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