Uberman wrote:
I've installed Python 2.6.1 (AMD64) under Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit.

First off, it didn't register the extension for .PY (although it did register

After manually associating the .PY extension with the python.exe executable, I
am now getting some weirdness on the command line.  When I run the following
script, saved as "build.py", by simply entering "build.py -r -d" on the
command line, it produces the output "1":

    import sys
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print len(sys.argv)

It doesn't see the additional arguments for some reason.  However, if I
execute the script by prefixing it (i.e., "python build.py -r -d"), I get an
output of "3", meaning it sees the additional arguments.

Has anybody else run into this issue?  And perhaps (hopefully) solved it?

What does your association look like? Try ftype; should be something
like this:

H:\>ftype python.file
python.file="C:\Python26\python.exe" "%1" %*

Notice the stuff at the end


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