>First of all, list is a reserved word.  Don't use it as a variable name.
I was using it as an example in this case.

>mylist[0][1] if I understand the question.
This works. Thank you.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Tim Chase
<python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
>> let me re-phrase that question:
>> i would like to access the element of individual tuples inside of a
>> list, by using an index.
>> so i have the list contents
>> print list
>> [('--datasourcename', 'DB'), ('--password', '123')]
>> How can I access "DB" from the list directly using an index?
>> right now I would have to grab the tuple and the use the index of the
>> tuple
> Well, you can use
>  lst[0][1]
> to get it.  Or, if you're parsing through the list, you can use tuple
> unpacking:
>  for name, value in lst:
>    print "%s = %s" % (name, value)
> As an aside, it looks like you're doing parameter parsing.  The standard
> library has the optparse module which takes a lot of pain out of parsing
> parameters.
> -tkc

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