<rd....mur...@bi..nce.com> wrote:

> Quoth "Hendrik van Rooyen" <m...@microcorp.co.za>:
> > <rd.....mur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > You, sir, should be programming in some language other than Python.

8<------------- reasons given ----------------

> > This is IMO an arrogant attitude - 
> My apologies!!  There was a smiley missing from the end of that statement
> above.  However, you are right, even with the smiley added it would
> still be arrogant, and I regret that.

It was not actually aimed at you personally - more of a rant about
the intolerance displayed by the "it's fine as it is" group.

> The problem is that there is a fundamental philosophical divide here,
> and I don't think the advocates on either side are going to convince
> the other.

It certaintly looks like that - so far it has produced more heat than
light, and very few funny comments

> This debate has happened many times.  

So why are we dumb enough to repeat it?


- Hendrik


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