> Bryan Olson:
>> A few bits fuzzy. Is the following True or False if dict is insert-ordered?
>>     dict(a=6, b=7) == dict(b=7, a=6)
> In my odict implementation I have disallowed that syntax because if
> you want to define a mydict(**kwds) function that allows a syntax
> like:
> mydict(a=6, b=7)
> it takes a dict as argument, such dict is currently not ordered. If
> built-in dicts become ordered, then that dict too may become
> ordered :-)
> Anyway, maybe it's good to ignore the inserting order of items when
> you look for odict equality.
But then they wouldn't be equal. As I said right at the start if this

> one of the prime issues every time
> this comes up is the inability of the various proponents to agree on how
> dicts should actually be ordered.

The remainder of the thread vindicates that comment.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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