En Thu, 05 Feb 2009 17:34:29 -0200, Andrew <andrew.replo...@gmail.com> escribió:

On Dec 16 2008, 5:11 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
En Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:21:35 -0200, Andrew <andrew.replo...@gmail.com>  

> On Dec 16, 12:50 pm, Christian Heimes <li...@cheimes.de> wrote:
>> Andrew schrieb:

>> > I'm running into a strange situation with getting incorrect
>> > returncodes / exit status from python subprocess.call. I'm using a
>> > python script (runtime 2.6.1 on windows) to automate the deploy of
>> > java applications to glassfish application server. Below is an >> > example

I've tried this several ways now. It seems to be something specific
with python and asadmin.bat.

I've tried the following manually in the cmd.exe prompt:

[examples showing %ERRORLEVEL% correctly set when running from the command line, but subprocess.call doesn't get it]

Notice how python never gets the correct returncode from asadmin.bat
but I can get the correct returncode from the shell every time. Can
anyone tell me why Python wouldn't be able to get the correct
returncode for asadmin?

The last exit code set by a command *should* propagate as the exit code of the whole .bat, then as the exit code of the cmd.exe instance that runs it, and finally Python *should* receive that value. Some old Windows versions didn't behave like that, but AFAIK XP does the right thing here.
Unless asadmin.bat is playing tricks with %ERRORLEVEL% or something.
Can you post the contents of asadmin.bat?

Without looking into it, I can think of a few alternatives:

- rewrite asadmin.bat in Python, if feasible. Some scripts just check/set a few environment variables and execute some process at the end, and that's all; in this case it should be easy to emulate the same thing in Python.

- try using another layer of your own, e.g., my_asadmin.bat:

call asadmin.bat %*
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%

- variation: write the exit code somewhere:

call asadmin.bat %*
echo %ERRORLEVEL% > asadmin.err

and read asadmin.err from Python. (I've used something like this in a chain Win32 process --> 16 bits GUI application --> .bat script --> old DOS executable)

Gabriel Genellina


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