Xah Lee wrote:
> ...
> if you want software engineering books, i suggest try some books that
> are based on statistical survey, as opposed to some dignitary's
> “opinion” or current fashion & trends that comes with a jargon. These
> type of books are a dime a dozen, every year, they come and go. The
> stastical survey approach takes major understaking and cost. The
> opinion type any motherfucking “guru” can write. e.g. Paul Graham has
> you buy into certain concept of “hackers” fucker and claim they are
> like “painters”. Certain Gabriel wants you to believe in poetry and C
> is the last language. (see Book Review: Patterns of
> Software
> http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/bookReviewRichardGabriel.html
> ) et al. Certain Gosling wants you to believe Java is the last lang on
> earth that'll wipe out Microsoft (circa 1998).
> ...
> ... what society overwhelmingly asks for is snake oil. Of course, the
> snake oil has the most impressive names —otherwise you would be
> selling nothing— like “Structured Analysis and Design”, “Software
> Engineering”, “Maturity Models”, “Management Information Systems”,
> “Integrated Project Support Environments” “Object Orientation” and
> “Business Process Re-engineering” (the latter three being known as
> IPSE, OO and BPR, respectively).” — Edsger W Dijkstra (1930-2002), in
> EWD 1175: The strengths of the academic enterprise.
> you want to be a good programer? Study math, the math of programing,
> and master the langs and protocols and tools you use. You want to
> climb the tech industry ladder? get better at people, learn politics.
> You want to be rich? Study business. Chances are, you are a coding
> geek, and at heart you dna is not geared to be interested in politics
> or business, and you'll never be rich or big ceo just because of that.
> See also:
> • Why Software Suck
>  http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/writ/why_software_suck.html
> looking at the eXtreme Programing fuckheads's traffic history:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.software.extreme-programming/about
> for those who are not aware, it was one of the snake oil wildly
> popular in around 2001.

Today, i happened to run across a blog on the eXtreme Programing FUCK.


Great article!

∑ http://xahlee.org/


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