Steve Holden wrote:
Matthew Sacks wrote:
Hi List,
I am getting an index out of range error when trying to parse with getopt.
Probably something simple. Any suggestions are appreciated

optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['connectPassword=',
'adminServerURL=', 'action=', 'targets=', 'appDir='])

#Assign Opts
connectPassword = optlist[0][1]
adminServerURL = optlist[1][1]
action = optlist[2][1]
targets = optlist[3][1]
appDir = optlist[4][1]

#this statement never gets executed
print "Args: " + connectPassword + " " + adminServerURL + " " + action
+ " " + targets + " " + appDir

  File "/home/msacks/", line 23, in ?
IndexError: index out of range: 0

It might help a little if you made it more obvious which was line 23 ...

It a guess I'd say it was:

    connectPassword = optlist[0][1]

because the traceback says the index is 0 and there's only one line with a 0 in it!

The real problem, though, is a misunderstanding of what getopt.getopt()
returns. The (option, value) pairs are only returned for options found
in the command line, so you can't guarantee there'll be four.

Set your values to defaults, then adjust for those for which an option
is found in the list, as in the "typical usage" example in the Fine Manual.


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