> As you mentioned, using multi cores makes programs more fast and more
> popular. But what about stackless python? Does it interpret same set
> of python libraries with Cpython or Does it have a special sub set?

Your assumption is wrong. Multiple cores are able to speed up some kind
of programs. But they don't necessarily increase the speed of every

Lot's of programs are IO bound (hard disk IO, network IO, memory IO).
Multiple CPU cores don't increase the speed of your hard disk! Lots of
algorithms are not designed for parallel computing. New algorithms must
be invented from the ground up.
In fact multiple CPUs can decrease the speed of a program because every
additional CPU increases the cost for house keeping and cache
invalidation. Please don't believe in marketing lies, neither 64bit nor
multiple CPUs magically increase the speed of your computer. It's going
to take at least half a decade until the tools for multi core
development are working properly and reliable.



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