Ray Van Dolson wrote:
So I'm looking for an easy (read: lazy) way to generate output in nice
ASCII tables like the Text::SimpleTable[1] module in perl.  I've come
across two so far in the Python world that look promising[2][3] but I'm
wondering if anyone else out there has some recommendations for me.


[1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-SimpleTable/lib/Text/SimpleTable.pm
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/text_table/0.02
[3] http://jefke.free.fr/stuff/python/texttable/
What would you be using the output for? Is this just simple on-screen stuff, or dump to paper... should rows wrap at 80 columns, etc, etc. My quick (dare I say lazy? ;) ) perusal of the links did not reveal those behavior traits to me.


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