On Mar 5, 2:27 am, jelle feringa <jelleferi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with a C++ module ( CGAL, comp.geom. with exact arithmic )
> and am having troubles finding a way to override how the modules returns
> objects. What I'm trying to do is to extend the Facet class, but when I try
> to use my version of the class, the parent class is still being returned
> import CGAL
> CGAL.Facet = OtherFacet
> CGAL.Polyhedron.Facet = OtherFacet
> p = CGAL.Polyhedron_3()
> p.make_triangle()
> for f in p.facets:
>     print f
> <CGAL.Polyhedron.Facet object at 0x47ed50>
> # Here I was expecting a OtherFacet object
> Is there a way of getting around this, or is this behaviour hardcoded in the
> C++ module?
> Can I perhaps alter it using  the new module or __new__ method?
> Many thanks in advance,
> -jelle

Hello.  I don't have your module, but it sounds like the C is doing
something like this (pseudocode):

PyObject *make_triangle(...) {
    new_ob= PyObject_New( &CGAL_Polyhedron_Facet_Type );

Regardless of CGAL's dictionary, it instantiates a Facet.  What you
want it to do is (pseudocode):

PyObject *make_triangle(...) {
    /* get the current 'Facet' member */
    class_ob= PyObject_GetAttr( CGAL, "Facet" );
    /* instantiate it */
    new_ob= PyObject_New( class_ob );

Depending on the details, you may need only to cut-and-paste your own
'make_triangle' function, and just replace the line I showed.

Do you have a link to the source for CGAL?

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