Victor Lin wrote:
On 3月8日, 下午9時56分, "Diez B. Roggisch" <> wrote:
Victor Lin schrieb:

I am going to develop a c library binding with ctypes. That c library
will call callback from worker threads it created. Here comes the
problem : Will the GIL be acquired before it goes into Python
I got a little try..
DSPPROC = WINFUNCTYPE(None, DWORD, DWORD, c_void_p, DWORD, c_void_p)
def test(handle, channel, buffer, length, user):
    print handle, channel, buffer, length, user
dsp = BASS_ChannelSetDSP(stream, DSPPROC(test), None, 123)
I got "access violation" when I run it... It seems that the ctypes
did't acquire GIL before it call the python callback. As the document
WINFUNCTYPE will release GIL during the call
But it does not mention callback about Python function? How about a
call from another thread? Could somebody help me?
The releasing takes only place when entering a c-function. A
python-callback acquires the GIL, see callbacks.c in the python source.

The access violation has nothing to do with that I presume, that's just
a general programming error as it happens with ctypes during development.



Thanks your replying, I try it again, found that my program only crash
when I call it from python's IDLE. If I click it, namely execute it
with python directly, it works fine. Why the program will crash within

Usually because IDLE is written in python and Tkinter. IDLE doesn't give a completely isolated environment for your program to run in, this causes python program that uses Tkinter often causes various undescribable oddities.

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