On Mar 11, 9:37 am, sf409...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> in the past I've used Py2exe without any problem, but now I have this
> strange difficulty.
> In my computer I have  python 2.6,  py2exe for python 2.6 and the
> distutils, but when I do:
> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2exe
> setup(console=['hello.py'])
> ( like written in:  http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Tutorial)
> at the end (at the command 'setup') all exits from python and I am
> again in DOS.
> (The same occurs when I use a file: e.g.  python 1.py)
> Where do I go wrong?
> Thanks

Re-post to the py2exe mailing list, but CM is probably correct. The
last I heard, compiling with 2.6 had some added complications. You
could also check the archives of this list AND the py2exe list. I'm
pretty sure there have been posts on this multiple times within a few
weeks of 2.6's release.

Here's a link to py2exe's list and archives:


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