
I recently included this very nice recipe for the multilistbox in my application:

however, I can't seem to place it inti a scrolledframe, this is what I do:

        self.frame1 = Pmw.ScrolledFrame(page,
                labelpos = 'n',
                label_text = 'Database',
        self.frame1.pack(fill="both", expand=1)

        columns = tuple([x[0:1] for x in fg.fields])
        columns2 = tuple([x+(15,) for x in columns])
        self.mlb = MultiLB.MultiListbox(self.frame1.interior(), columns2)
        for i in range(len(fg.data)):
            self.mlb.insert("end", fg.data[i])
        self.mlb.pack(expand=1, fill="both") 

the horizontal scrollbar is displayed correctly, but the vertical scrollbar is only visible when you scroll to the far right side of the screen.
So, apparently it is added to the last listbox in stead of to the scrolledframe itself.

Any suggestions, anyone?
(btw, I also posted this to the tkinter mailing list but it bounced. Is this list inactive?)




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