Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Claudio Grondi wrote:

> > Considering what I found in the ipython mailing archives
> > and the fact, that after the fix with displaying colors on
> > bright backgrounds Gary had no time yet to get in touch
> > with me about the code I have sent him, I suppose, that
> > there will be no new releases addressing this problem
> > soon, right?

Folks, the code is OPEN SOURCE! It is right there at
SourceForge. Anyone, anywhere, at any time is free to hack it,
redistribute it, or ignore it.

It works FINE FOR ME as it is. Furthermore, I know NOTHING about
localization. Someone who NEEDS LOCALIZATION should FIX IT in a
general way.

Make your own version. Create a SourceForge project for it and you can
be the developer. I wouldn't even care if you removed my name from it.

I've received a patch or two for specific keyboards but I have no way
to test them and no time or inclination to fool with it.

The bottom line is, I write code for my own use. If others benefit
that is great. If it doesn't do what you want, make your own
version. If you want to distribute a new version, go for it.



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