一首诗 wrote:

> Hi,
> ( First, this is not a question about if we should use ORM.   It's
> question for these who are already using it. )
> Usually, I only use ORM, like sqlalchemy just as an abstraction layer
> of
> database.  So these mapping objects I wrote only contains data but not
> behavior.
> For example, if I have a class User, I would write another class
> UserManager which with a methods like addUser, delUser.  But recently
> I am thinking of moving these methods to User.  That sounds more OO
> style.
> What's your opinion?  What's the benefits and problems of this style?

We do that. Whatever behavior objects have that involves modifying or
creating other entities is put into the objects themselves. Of course
within reasonable limits.

OTOH what we don't want in there are methods targeted at e.g. rendering the
objects as HTML. For example, if a user-object has a mandatory email, but
an optional name you want to display the name if it's there, otherwise the

We use a generic function, view (abbreviated v) available in our templates
to allow for this:


will work by decorating the user-object, delegating unknown calls to the
user itself. The UserDecorator looks like this:

class UserDecorator(Decorator):

   def __init__(self, user):
       self._delegate = user

   def __getattr__(self, name):
       return getattr(self._delegate, name)

   def display_name(self):
       u = self._delegate
       return u.name if u.name else u.email


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