On 2009-04-12, Gabriel <dun...@dreams.sk> wrote:

> I'm python newbie and i need to write gui for my school work in python.
> I need to write it really quick, because i haven't much time .)
> So question is, which of gui toolkits should i pick and learn? I heard 
> PyGTK and Glade are best for quick gui programming? Is it good for 
> beginner? Or is there something better?
> I have some experience with java swing, btw..

I find PyQt the most pleasant to work with.  It has a consistent, well
thought out, sophisticated API.  WxPython I find the least pleasant to work
with.  I particularly dislike the way it does layout, and it has a hodge
podge of APIs.  But it's what I use professionally because of the liberal
license. For those using PyGtk, I'd definitely recommend trying Kiwi.

Dave Cook

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