On 16 Apr, 2009, at 20:58, Russell Owen wrote:

I installed the Mac binary on my Intel 10.5.6 system and it works, except it still uses Apple's system Tcl/Tk 8.4.7 instead of my ActiveState 8.4.19 (which is in /Library/Frameworks where one would expect).

That's very string. I had ActiveState 8.4 installed (whatever was current about a month ago).

Just out of curiosity: which 3rd party Tcl/Tk did you have installed when you made the installer? Perhaps if it was 8.5 that would explain it. If so I may try updating my Tcl/Tk -- I've been wanting some of the bug fixes in 8.5 anyway.

Tcl 8.5 won't happen in 2.6, and might not happen in 2.7 either. Tkinter needs to work with the system version of Tcl, which is some version of 8.4, Tkinter will not work when the major release of Tcl is different than during the compile. That makes it rather hard to support both 8.4 and 8.5 in the same installer.


-- Russell

On Apr 16, 2009, at 5:35 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

On 15 Apr, 2009, at 22:47, Russell E. Owen wrote:

Thank you for 2.6.2.

I see the Mac binary installer isn't out yet (at least it is not listed on the downloads page). Any chance that it will be compatible with 3rd
party Tcl/Tk?

The Mac installer is late because I missed the pre-announcement of the 2.6.2 tag. I sent the installer to Barry earlier today.

The installer was build using a 3th-party installation of Tcl/Tk.


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