
>I am using tab separated data in another file that looks like this...
>appname1   leadername1    2005, 02, 02    2006, 02, 02
>appname2   leadername2    2006, 03, 21    2007, 06, 28
>The error message looks like this....
> back (most recent call last):
>  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
>97, in <module>
>    main()
>  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
>80, in main
>    a = Leaderapplicant(line) #from data file
>  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line 9,
>in __init__
>    appname, leadername, start, end = line.split("\t")
>ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

You assign the result of line.split() to four variables. So split needs 
at least four fields (that's more than three) in line to process.

Examine your input data ("appname1   leadername1   2005..."), if it 
_really_ contains alt least three tab characters to separate the data 
Maybe you created the input file by means of the same editor you use for 
coding your python code, so the probability is high, that the editor 
produces multiple space characters when you press the tab key.
You could load the input file into vi or vim and give vi/vim the command

:set list

In list mode, tabs are rendered as '^I' (without the quotes).

Or you use a hex editor or something like od to inspect the input file.

Best regards,


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