On 4月18日, 下午9时40分, 书虫 <liangguan...@163.com> wrote:
> In wxPython, after I create a wx.Frame, I want to create a modeless
> and unclosed dialog. Here is my step:
> app = wx.PySimpleApp()
> f = wx.Frame(None, -1, "Test")
> d = wx.Dialog(f, -1, "Test Dialog", style = wx.CAPTION)
> f.Show()
> d.Show()
> app.MainLoop()
> As you see, I create a dialog with wx.CAPTION style. And than, there
> is no close button in this dialog. It seems unclosed dialog, but in
> fact, if you enter Alt+F4 in this dialog, it will close. How could I
> do?

Binds the wx.EVT_CLOSE event and ignor it in the handle function.

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