On 22 Apr, 13:45, David Cournapeau <courn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Christian Heimes <li...@cheimes.de> wrote:
> > My way doesn't add the dlls to the search path. It allows you to have
> > multiple python commands at once, too. I have shortcuts for python24,
> > python25 and python26 on my Windows box.
> Ah, thanks, that's really useful. I need this too, and did it the
> "unix" way, which did not work so well for various reasons. This is
> much better,
> David

Excuse me guys, could you please help me and tell me step by step how
to make the bat file that Christian is talking about and save it in
the System32?

I'm trying to save anything there but it's not working, though i'm the
administrator, vista keeps telling me that i can't save anything to
the system32 folder and that i have to contact my admin. in order to
fix it!

thanks for the help.

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