Dan Sommers wrote:
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 07:57:00 +0300, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun wrote:
    I agree with your opinion about keeping the abstraction layers
shallow, but in my view high-order and helper functions do not comprise
a new abstraction layer. For example in Lisp, using map, reduce (fold),
or any other high-order function is just like using for, or while in a
normal imperative language.

If I hit a call to map or to reduce, I've hit the bottom: map and reduce are defined by Lisp and not by the programmer.

You truly don't know Lisp. *Everything* in Lisp can be _redefined_ and if you can't do something conveniently that way, you can use a _macro_ to implement convenient new syntax for it.

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