Calling mod_python a web framework is a bit of a stretch.

if you want to work at that level though mod_wsgi is worth a look,

on top of that you can put a range of frameworks such as
repose, django, turbo gears etc......


On Apr 28, 12:55 pm, Rahul <> wrote:
> > > 2) I have my web based application written using mod_python....
> > > a. It should be more based on framework type.
> > > b. It should have all the features present in mod_python.
> > These two goals conflict.  You'll need to use your brain to discover
> > what is best for your application.  In general "have all the features
> > of" and "but better" conflict.
> > --Scott David Daniels
> >
> hi scott,
> i am getting more specific, is there any web development framework
> better than mod python which is
> easy to maintain.
> thanks
> rahul


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