tinn...@isbd.co.uk wrote:
This feels like it should be simple but I can't see a clean way of
doing it at the moment.

I want to retry locking a file for a number of times and then give up,
in pseudo-code it would be something like:-

    for N times
        try to lock file
            if successful break out of for loop
    if we don't have a lock then give up and exit

    for attempt in range(N):
             lock_file_with_timeout(per_try)  # change to what you mean
         except LockAttemptFailure: # or however the failure is shown
             pass  # here the attempt+1th try failed.
             break # success -- have the lock
        raise ImTiredError  # however you handle N attempts w/o success

Often it is easiest to stick it in a function:

    def retry_lock(tries=3, wait_per_attempt=.5):
        for attempt in range(tries):
                # change following to whatever you do to attempt a lock.
            except LockAttemptFailure: # or however the failure is shown
                pass  # here the attempt+1th try failed.
                return # success -- have the lock
        raise ImTiredError

--Scott David Daniels

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