On 5/1/2009 9:19 AM Arnaud Delobelle said...
Emile van Sebille <em...@fenx.com> writes:
On 5/1/2009 7:31 AM J Kenneth King said...
I love comprehensions, but abusing them can lead to really dense and
difficult to read code.
I disagree on dense and difficult, although I'll leave open the
question of abuse.

b = [ item for pair in a for item in pair ]

This is exactly the code above expressed in comprehension form.

If the comprehension above is an abuse, then every nested list
comprehension is an abuse of comprehensions so they might as well not be
in the language...

I hope you didn't understand me to say that this usage is abuse. That's certainly not what I mean. I have, however, examples in my code base that _would_ qualify as abuse (mostly from pre dictionary comprehension vintage where I would build a dict from within a list comp), and I have seen enough from this group to know that abuse abounds, with only slight provocation. :)

Fondly-remembering-byte-code-hacks-and-introspection-ly y'rs,



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