I also am new to Python and found the site. The main barrier to me was the 
price. Pay as you use with credits might be less of a problem in an 
community environment where so much is available. The interface did not lead 
me to understand where I could find the free stuff, I also did not realize 
how much of it was available. With so much information on the web you tend 
to spend a very short amount of time trying to understand what a site is 
about. If it is available, I would have a look at your crawl stats and see 
how long people are staying on a particular page before leaving the site. I 
think Google has introduced some analytics that will allow you to compare 
different site layouts and the pattern of traffic.

In regards to the negative comments, I think you are right to defend against 
them as they have been recorded in the anals of the web, however I certainly 
wouldn't let it discourage you. It is obviously a great resource. So my few 
suggestions are (at a penny a pop):
1. Simplify the home page so that newcomers know what they are going to get 
for free and what isn't
2. The learning maps are a great idea, unfortunately the first one I looked 
at http://showmedo.com/static/images/LPs/networks/10.png I couldn't read.
3. Let people buy credits. Start at roughly 10 - 20 cents per commercial 
video, step the rating so that the more you use the service the less you pay 
per view.

Don't worry about the Open ID thing too much, most people use the same U/N 
and P/W for all their different logins anyway. Might be nice later on 
though, when some bright spark decides that people's personal learning plans 
should be hosted in the cloud and you want to hook into that. All in all 
great site (do I get any credits for saying that?).

"Astley Le Jasper" <astley.lejas...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I've just stumbled over this (http://showmedo.com/) and being the very
> visual person I am, it seems like it could be a good way to learn
> about python. However, before I smack down $60, I wondered if anyone
> had any opinions on it. My gut feel is that it could be pretty good.
> ALJ 


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