kj schrieb:
> I have read a couple of "learn Python"-type books, and now I'm
> looking for some more advanced books on Python,
> Basically I'm looking for a book that assumes that one has the
> basics of the language down, and instead focuses on standard problems
> of software development, such as application architecture and
> design, prototyping, debugging, profiling and performance-tuning,
> testing, packaging/distribution, extending/embedding, threading
> and IPC, persistence, etc., and on various prototypical cases such
> as command-line utilities, GUI-apps, webapps, database-backed apps,
> simulations, etc.

I think there is no such book. Maybe the Python Cookbook comes near.

webapps: I use django, other use turbogears, other even different stuff...
There are several books about e.g. django. It would be hard to
put all the magic of all web apps into one chapter.

GUI-apps: You can use tkinter, qt or gtk.... again it would be hard
to put something useable into one chapter.


Thomas Guettler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

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