On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 18:38:40 +0300, rumours say that Maxim Kasimov
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>> If you need more help, I would gladly send you the output of `man vi'
>> from a non-GNU Unix.  I can also send you the output of `man vim' from a
>> GNU system.

>is it wrong to debug python script using python, but not some magic commands 
>found somewhere in man ?

If you really believe you should use python to debug (and edit perhaps?)
python, use idle and X11 forwarding through your ssh connection instead
of vi.  Then you have menu-driven block un/commenting and un/indenting.

Otherwise, I believe your reply above is slightly adrift (you wondered
what one can do to comment a block of code when using vi, and I replied
to that; I don't quite understand what your exact point is.)
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

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