En Thu, 21 May 2009 10:34:09 -0300, <s...@pobox.com> escribió:

I want to modify my script to automatically zip or gzip files which exceed some size threshold. Doing the zip/gzip dance is no problem. I'm concerned
about how to specify that properly with the email package.  For example,
consider a large CSV file.  I figure out the MIME type is text/csv.  Now
suppose I gzip the file before attaching it. How would this code change to
specify the compression where "path" is now compressed?

HTTP uses the Content-Coding: gzip header field, but I think there is no equivalent in MIME :( I'm afraid you'll have to declare the attachment as a gzipped file, and let the user manually unzip and handle the contained csv file.

Gabriel Genellina


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