Andre Engels wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Joel Ross <> wrote:
Hi all,

I have this piece of code

class progess():

   def __init__(self, number,  char):

       total = number
       percentage = number
       while percentage > 0 :
           percentage = int(number/total*100)
           print char

progess(999,  "*")

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on way the percentage var gets set to
the value 0 after the first loop.

Any feed back would be appreciated.

In Python 2.6 and lower, division of two integers gives an integer,
being the result without rest of division with rest:


In your example, the second run has number = 998, total = 999. 998/999
is evaluated to be zero.

There are two ways to change this:
1. Ensure that at least one of the things you are using in the
division is a float. You could for example replace "total = number" by
"total = float(number)" or "number/total*100" by
"float(number)/total*100" or by "(number*100.0)/total".
2. Use Python 3 behaviour here, which is done by putting the import
"from __future__ import division" in your code.

Im using 2.6 python and when running this

class progess():

    def __init__(self, number, total,  char):

        percentage = float(number/total*100)
        percentage = int(round(percentage))
        char = char * percentage
        print char

progess(100, 999,  "*")

the "percentage = float(number/total*100)" always equals 0.0
any ideas way this would be?

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