MRAB wrote:
Invert wrote:
My simple python script gives me an error when I try to execute it. Here is the error message:

    dan...@ibex:~/Desktop/python$ python3
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 8, in <module>
        print ("{0} is {1} years old {3} and ".format(name, age, append))
    IndexError: tuple index out of range

Here is my script:

    # Filename:

    age = 23
    name = 'Daniel'
    append = '6 months'

    print ("{0} is {1} years old {3} and ".format(name, age, append))

That should be:

    print ("{0} is {1} years old {2} and ".format(name, age, append))

print ("{0} is {1} years old and {2}".format(name, age, append))

    print ('{0} will be an elite python programmer in {2}.'.format(name,

And the latter should replace 2 with 1.

What am I doing wrong?

Using position indexes that are too large. In Py3.1, .format will auto-number fields, so the print statements could be

print("{} is {} years old and {}".format(name, age, append))
print ('{} will be an elite python programmer in {}.'.format(name, append))

Terry Jan Reedy


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