In article <>,
Jonathan Nelson  <> wrote:
>I'm trying to add a feedreader element to my django project.  I'm
>using Mark Pilgrim's great feedparser library.  I've used it before
>without any problems.  I'm getting a TypeError I can't figure out.
>I've tried searching google, bing, google groups to no avail.
>Here's the dpaste of what I'm trying to do and the result I'm

You're lucky that I felt like taking a look -- that's short enough you
should have just posted it here.  Anyway, that's pretty clearly not a
firewall issue, and the only thing I can think of to figure it out given
the lack of a real traceback is to poke around in the feedparser
Aahz (           <*>

"Given that C++ has pointers and typecasts, it's really hard to have a
serious conversation about type safety with a C++ programmer and keep a
straight face.  It's kind of like having a guy who juggles chainsaws
wearing body armor arguing with a guy who juggles rubber chickens wearing
a T-shirt about who's in more danger."  --Roy Smith,, 2004.05.23

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