2009/6/7 Daniel <danwgr...@gmail.com>

> I created a page with a ".py" extension but the browser does not like
> it.
> Here is what I did: I edited httpd.conf file and added the line:
> AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .py
> Then I stopped and restarted apache. Next I created a hello world file
> as on this page:
> http://deron.meranda.us/python/webserving/helloworld.html
> I stored the file in htdocs and then went to the corresponding
> in my browser. But the browser gives
> a 403 error.
> I am running from internet explorer on windows xp.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

This sounds like an setup problem for Apache + CGI. You should study the
Apache logs. Don't know their location in WIN32, in Linux there are some
files named "error_log" and also "access_log". Typically, Apache writes the
reason for error messages there.


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