Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Paul Watson schrieb:
>> Has anyone used GNUstep?
>> In addition to Objective-C, there are Java and Ruby bindings.
>> Has anyone created a Python binding to GNUstep?
> There is the pyobjc-binding for OSX, maybe that's suitable for GNUStep.

Apparently, it's not: There was some compatibility in earlier versions, but
it's been officially removed in version 2.0. See
http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/NEWS-2.0.html :
"GNUstep support has been removed because this has never worked properly,
nobody seems interested in fixing that and the internal APIs of PyObjC have
changed greatly."

I'd love to see that happen, but GNUStep seems to be disappearing little by
little. Too bad...

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