On 23 Giu, 12:59, Francesco Bochicchio <bieff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there any site that reports the current porting (to Python 3.x)
> status of the main non-standard extension modules (such as pygtk,
> pywin32, wxpython, ...) ?
> I think such information would be very useful for people - like me -
> which are tryiing to decide how/when/if to port existing scripts/
> applications to the new python, or also  which python to use to start
> a new program.
> I searched and googled for this information  but without finding
> anything. It looks to me that also the single extension module sites
> are quite shy at announcing plans for the porting (I understand that
> in part this is for the "is ready when is ready" philosophy of many
> non-large open software projects).
> Ciao
> -----
> FB

Well, I kept searching and found this at least :


It lists Qt , BeautfulSoup (with problems) and pywin32 (which I use a
lot :-)
Another (less famous) module that I use, ply, also supports python3.x

Maybe in the near future I can start porting some of my scripts ...

Still believe that a central point to keep track of most of extension
porting effort would be very useful ...


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