Robert Kern schrieb:
First, convert the pos array to integers, and just the columns with indices in them:

  ipos = pos[:,:2].astype(int)

Now check the values in the mask corresponding to these positions:

  mask_values = mask[ipos[:,0], ipos[:,1]]

Now extract the rows from the original pos array where mask_values is nonzero:

  result = pos[mask_values != 0]

Great!!! That's the way I wanted.

After reading the numpy reference guide I supposed the delete function was not the right way, but that it's all about cerrect indexing. But I didn't really know how.

So thanks a lot, also to Ben.

> You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list.

I ever thought news-groups are the right way for questions like this. And the mailing list page just confuses me, but I'm trying to get used to it.


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