timmyt a écrit :
i'm interested in getting opinions on a small wsgi framework i
assembled from webob, sqlalchemy, genshi, and various code fragments i
found on the inter-tubes

here is the interesting glue - any comments / suggestions would be
much appreciated

Well... My first comment would be about the usefulness of yet another Python web framework, but let's not worry about this...

the wsgi app
def application(environ, start_response):
    path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').lstrip('/')

    for regex, callback in urls:
        match = re.search(regex, path)

I don't know where these "urls" come from. But anyway : if they live in some sort of long-running process, you may want to precompile them.

        if match:
            environ['myapp.url_args'] = match.groups()
            request = webob.Request(environ)

                return callback(request, start_response)
            except Exception, ex:

How are redirect etc handled ?

                start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-
Type', 'text/plain')])
                return [traceback.format_exc()]

A configuration option controlling the display of the traceback would be fine - I surely don't want the traceback being displayed to anyone when the app goes into production.

Also, logging the error and traceback might be useful.

    start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    return ["Couldn't find the URL specified."]

And in both cases, having the ability to use "custom" 500 and 404 pages might be nice too.

the controller decorator
def web_decorator(filename, method='html'):
    def decorator(target):

May I suggest some renaming here ?

filename => path (or 'template_path' ?)
method   => content_type
target   => controller or function or callback or....

        def wrapper(request, start_response):

            #genshi TemplateLoader
            template = loader.load(filename)

            global config

Probably not thread-safe....

                return_dict = target(request, start_response)
                return_string = template.generate(**return_dict).render

Renaming again:
return_dict => context
return_string => data or text or ???


This doesn't leave much control on transactions... Sometimes you want to handle it manually one way or another.

            #TODO: alter 'Content-Type' per method being passed
            start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
            return [return_string]

Ok, so here again, I don't understand how redirects can work. Also, if you do use start_response here, I don't get why you still pass it to the callback function.

        return wrapper

    return decorator

slightly OT, but preserving infos on the decorated function might help too (introspection, debugging etc).

My 2 cents...

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