Terry Reedy wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Dave Angel wrote:
m.reddy prasad reddy wrote:
can any one tell me how to write assembly language programs in python...if
no is there any other way to write the programs in python

Reddi prasad reddy

Assembly language is a different programming language than Python. You can use both in the same process, much in the same way you can use C or C++ with Python. In fact, some of the system DLL's are written (partly) in assembler, though mostly in C or C++.

It is possible that he meant how to write assembly *with* python.
Or how to translate python to assembly.

As it turns out, CPython translates Python to byte code and has a dis (assembly) module that produces very nice assembly code ;-)
So that is one answer to his question.

You'll need to tell us what your real goal is.




If you mean dis.dis() that only gives you byte code. I assumed he was referring to native code assembly.

I guess I'd better stop guessing <grin>.



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