On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Ken Seehart<k...@seehart.com> wrote:
> Almost every time I use decorators, I find myself wishing I had access
> to the local namespace of the context from which the decorator is
> executed.  In practice, decorator is being applied to a method, so the
> namespace in question would be the dictionary of the class being created.

As other mentioned, an example would make it clearer what you are trying to do.

> Similarly, before decorators were around, I often found myself lamenting
> the fact that a class is not created until after it's scope is
> completed, since this makes certain kinds of metaprogramming more
> difficult.  But after digging deeper, I realized why it is the way it
> is, so I don't complain about that.

Py3k to the rescue!  Because the metaclass is defined outside of the
class body it is possible to pass in a metaclass that uses a custom
dictionary.  This was added to make some common cases easier (like
knowing in which order members were defined).  This is not
backportable to 2.6 because the __metaclass__ is defined inside the
class body and possibly anywhere in the class body.


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