    I am facing a problem using PyArg_ParseTuple() in my C-API
extension. Here is a small repro of the function:

static PyObject *parsetuple_test(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
        SQLUSMALLINT param_no = 0;
        PyObject *py_obj = NULL;

        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi", &py_obj, &param_no)){

                return NULL;
        printf("%d\n", param_no);
        return NULL;

This function works fine and prints the correct value passed
(param_no) when I test it on Linux or Windows. However, it always
prints 0 (initial value defined in function) when I run it on AIX.

I think the problem is with "Oi" argument, if I replace that with "OO"
and specifically convert it integer/sqlsmallint. It works fine on AIX,
but I want to use "i" and not "O".

Any ideas on what is the reason behind the problem and how to fix


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