On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 09:23:43 -0400, rumours say that rbt
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>Are there any plans in the near future to support PDF files in Python as 
>    thoroughly and completely as Perl does?

Before we let you know about our plans, what are *your* plans on this
subject? :) [0]


>I love Python's clean syntax and ease of use, etc. But on some things 
>(PDF for example) as barbaric as Perl's syntax is, it does outshine 
>Python... I hate having to use Perl just to deal with PDF files.

There are two issues here: a) a language, b) its library.  You imply
that the Perl syntax outshines Python's because it has _more thorough
and complete support for PDF_, as you say.  I don't see a connection,
but rather I see a lure to provoke answers, which doesn't always work
for you.  For example, my reply would be more helpful and to the point
if that reasoning was missing from your post.

>What do others do???

Search google perhaps?  Why do you feel that the first result of the
query "python pdf" does not help you?

[0] there's an ancient myth about a peasant's cart getting stuck in the
mud, so the peasant starts calling out for help from goddess Athena.
Another peasant passing by tells him: "Syn Athena kai kheira kinei",
which means, more or less, "keep on calling Athena, but start also using
your hands."
I don't know any related myth of anglo-saxon origin to quote.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

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