ma3mju wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having trouble with multiprocessing I'm using it to speed up some
simulations, I find for large queues when the process reaches the
poison pill it does not exit whereas for smaller queues it works
without any problems. Has anyone else had this trouble? Can anyone
tell me a way around it? The code is in two files below.


#get number of cores and set the number on concurrent processes
num_hard_workers = 2
num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()*1.5
easy_workers = []
hard_workers = []
#add poison pill for each worker and create the worker
for i in range(0,num_workers-num_hard_workers):
for i in range(0,num_hard_workers):

You have 2 hard workers and ceil(CPU_count * 1.5) - 2 easy workers.
What if the number of CPUs was 1? That would give 2 hard and 0 easy!

Also, I recommend that you put only 1 'poison pill' in each queue and
have the workers put it back when they see it.


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